Lawrence County Coroner Candidate Legally Declared Dead By Current Coroner


By: Mark Wayne

Date: April 2022

The Lawrence County Coroner Race became a topic of lively debate among the citizens of Lawrence County after the current Coroner, Les Preston, had his primary opponent Bill Staggs legally declared dead prior to the May 2022 Primary. Staggs’ parents were reportedly surprised about the declaration stating the last time they checked, he was still alive. 

The Coroner’s office released an official statement reading:

We are sad to announce the passing of Bill Staggs who was our opponent in the 2022 Primary. In leu of flowers, the deceased wished you to send donations up to $2,900 to “Les Preston for Coroner.” No one Call Bill, or his family, they want complete privacy at this time. Seriously, no one mention this to them. 

            Lawrence County Judge Executive Bill Gardner, who has been involved in county corruption for two decades said “The rules on legally declaring your opponent dead are a gray area.” Adding that “I don’t really know what the law says. I just kind of make it up as I go and hope no one investigates what I’m actually doing.” The County Judge Executive stated he had pulled the same move before in a primary, but states he has never done so in a general election.

            We did not reach out to Staggs’ campaign or Staggs himself because this article is sponsored by Les Preston, and he paid us not to. In addition, apparently having articles sponsored by political candidates smearing their opponents is completely okay with other Lawrence County news sources, so we figured as long as we got paid who cares about objective truths and fact checking. 

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