• To get the Lawrence County Football Field, Basketball Gym, or Baseball Field named after Dougie “Bulldog” Vanhoose. Name someone who has been a bigger fan of LC and its student athletes… We’ll wait… That’s right. You can’t.

    So instead of naming it after some big donor. Let’s name it after someone who has shown true dedication to the athletes of Lawrence County:

    Dougie “Bulldog” Vanhoose

    And for the record, we should do this ASAP. It doesn’t have to be awarded posthumously.

  • Get “Billy Bob Loves Charlene” permanently recognized as the official artwork of Louisa, as well as permanently graffitied somewhere it can be appreciated by the citizens of Louisa, KY.

  • Promote Lawrence County tourism and economic development. Seriously, we love LC. Our comedy comes from a place of deep admiration that only someone who truly loves this town and its people can have. We want to help create something that can get outsiders excited about Lawrence County enough to visit here, invest here, and love it here.

  • In no specific order:

    Call out hypocrisy and hold local elected officials accountable.

    Promote Lawrence County Students.

    Get young people elected to local office.

    Promote assistance programs in Lawrence County.

    Promote free speech, love, and tolerance. Call out hate speech, fear mongering, and bigotry.

These are the editorials and essays where we break away from comedy and get serious.

  • Editorial: Noah Thompson

    I did write an article that was about Louisa Voting for Noah of the Ark as its Favorite Bible Character in Tuesday’s Primary Elections, but it just didn’t feel right. One of the goals in this site’s “Real Stuff” section is to promote Lawrence County and its young people, and I didn’t feel comfortable releasing that article when I felt it took away from one of our goals. So… I scrapped that article and wrote this from the heart:

  • Editorial: Eastern Kentucky Flooding

    I am writing one of the rare completely real articles to be featured here on The Big Sandy Lazer, because I feel the need to address the tragic flooding that has so recently thrashed our fellow Kentuckians to our south.

    In the face of tragedy, it is very common to feel hopeless and dejected at things we cannot control. Whether the tragedy is supernatural or man-made, the devastation it brings with it is unrepentant and strikes like a thief in the night without discretion for race, class, or age.

  • Update: Billy Bob Loves Charlene Fundraiser

    And update on our fundraiser for the Lawrence County Schools Family Resource Centers.