• First and foremost - WE ARE NOT A NEWS SITE. We DO NOT fact check, everything is made up and FALSE. Even if it accidentally has a nugget of truth, the stories on this site are 100% UNRELIABLE.

    To paraphrase the argument made by a popular “news personality” who was being sued for defamation and false information presented as “news”: No reasonable person would believe we are news.

  • Comedy is meant to be a means of humorous social commentary about the society we live in. It is best wielded as a tool to punch up and hold the powerful accountable. Comedy should always strive to take up for and fight on the side of those going through hardships, the less fortunate, and the powerless.

    That being said, comedy isn’t always an easy thing to pull off and missteps do occasionally happen. Offenses do occur and feelings are occasionally hurt, as is the nature of the comedic struggle. If and when we do accidentally find ourselves punching down, instead of up, let us know and we will attempt to make appropriate amends to the best of our ability here at The Big Sandy Lazer.

  • Remember you are experiencing a human emotion. Process that emotion and deal with it in a healthy way, whether that’s sending us a nasty email to clear your conscious or silently evaluating why you find yourself so offended.

    We want our viewers to laugh, first and foremost, but sometimes we want our readers to think more than they laugh. It isn’t our goal to be offensive just for the sake of being offensive.

The characters and events described in the comedic sections of our website, even those inspired by real people and events, are entirely fictional. Anything mentioned in the calendar section that is real has link to where you can find real information about the event. All Interviews are fake and poorly performed imaginations of what a real interview would be like.