Update: Charity Through Parody

First off, a big THANK YOU!!! to everyone who bought a Billy Bob Loves Charlene T-shirt in order to help support the Lawrence County Schools Family Resource Centers. I didn't have any expectations for how this was going to go, because I’ve never attempted something like this.

In total there were 58 orders and a total of 80 shirts bought. Those 80 shirts got us a $6.25 donation per shirt. Which comes out to a total of $500.

I know the total is suspiciously too perfect of a number, but I’m going off of what the company who I partnered with told me. Any profits from this sale went to the company that printed the T-shirts. I do not intend for The Big Sandy Lazer to ever make a profit off of anything. You will never see an advertisement on our website, except for parody advertisements.

Here is what I’ve decided to do with the raised funds:

The company has cut a check to the Lawrence County School Board. The raised funds will be placed in the mail and addressed to the Lawrence County Board Office. Per Board Policy*, I have elected to send the funds directly to the Board of Education with a letter directing the School Board how the funds are to be utilized. I will leave up to the School Board the decision whether to donate to a single school, or to spread the funds out between all the schools. They would know the needs better than I would.

Here is the letter accompanying the check:

On a personal note to you, and the rest of the readers of The Big Sandy Lazer, it is hard to believe we raised $500 for the Family Resource Centers. I am trying and failing to find the words to express my gratitude and how humbled I am by the relative success of this seemingly dumb way to raise funds. So, let me just say:

Thank you

-The Editor of The Big Sandy Lazer


*When donating to the Lawrence County Family Resource Centers anything over $1000 is payable to the Board of Education with a letter directing the payment to the resource centers. Any donation below $1000 can be gifted directly to the schools with a letter directing funds to the resource centers.