UPDATE as of May 22, 2022: Noah Thompson Wins American Idol!!!

Originally Published: May 16, 2022 (The editorial will remain unedited in its original form)


Noah Thompson

This is a real editorial. We will actually write one of these from time to time. So if you just want comedy, skip over this one. I did write an article that was about Louisa Voting for Noah of the Ark as its Favorite Bible Character in Tuesday’s Primary Elections, but it just didn’t feel right. One of the goals in this site’s “Real Stuff” section is to promote Lawrence County and its young people, and I didn’t feel comfortable releasing that article when I felt it took away from one of our goals. So… I scrapped that article and wrote this from the heart:

Full disclosure, I do not know Noah Thompson. I had no earthly idea who the young man was, and I hadn’t heard of him at all until he was already past the initial rounds of American Idol. I’m a little bit ashamed to say I haven’t watched a single episode of American Idol that he has been on. That being said, I want this kid to win this competition and no matter what happens I will be so incredibly proud of him.

It takes incredible courage to chase after your dreams and put who you are out there on a national stage. From what I’ve now seen, I understand that he had a friend that got him to enter this contest. I don’t know Noah’s situation at all, but I understand the inherent fear in fully committing yourself to chasing after something you want and dream about. I also understand the power of having dependable friends and family that help you to overcome those fears as you pursue your goals. I know that sometimes putting it all on the line means you have to face the fear of rejection from those whose approval you value most.

Doing what Noah is doing has to be incredibly hard and demanding from an emotional, psychological, and even physical level. As the stakes raise and expectations climb it has to be harder and harder to handle. I hope Noah doesn’t suffer from the spiraling self-doubt thought of “do I deserve to be here?”, because he absolutely does. I seriously hope Noah steps up to the mic with Game-7-Michael-Jordan-Ice-in-the-Veins confidence and just kills it. If he doesn’t, that’s okay too.

I have incredible pride in people from Lawrence County who go do big and great things. I don’t care who you are, what you do, what field you are in, or how old you are. From Ricky Skaggs, Tyler Childers, Kelsie May, and Luke Trimble; to Fred M. Vinson, Paul Patton, and Kathy Hinkle; to Chandler Shephard, Jason Michaels, and Gared Parker to countless others; I have so much pride in these individuals.

For anyone from Lawrence County who is attempting something greater and bigger than themselves, I want you to know that no matter what you do or how things are going for you in your career, I will always be rooting for you and your success. I will always be in your corner. Our heroes have the courage to live their lives out on a ledge where they face rejection and failure, and it’s that courage that makes them heroes more than their accomplishments. I sincerely thank all the heroes of Lawrence County.

This moment belongs to Noah Thompson though, so… Noah, you deserve this. Don’t worry about making us proud, you’ve already done it. Any emotions you have are all a part of who you are right now, so embrace them. Go be yourself and don’t worry what anyone thinks. If nothing else, you have a person who likes writing silly articles about Lawrence County that believes in you… but I suspect you have a whole community here behind you no matter what happens!

-The “Editor” of The Big Sandy Lazer (As a reminder… We are not a real news website… It’s all for fun and totally made up… except for our Real Stuff section. Check it out here.)

May 16th, 2022

  • Real Stuff

    The section that contains our real goals. We are completely serious about them too. We try and use these goals as a way to guide our comedy. Seriously, we love Lawrence County.

  • Disclaimer

    Just a general disclaimer to remind people that we are not a real news website. Nothing on the comedy sections of this site is reliable or true.