Ghost of Fred M. Vinson seen haunting D&J Tobacco

By: Mark Wayne

Date: April 2022

Last Saturday evening Mrs. Marge Thompson, 76, of Martha, KY was leaving the post office located in downtown Louisa when she was startled to see what appeared to be the ghost of former Supreme Court Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson floating by the service window of D&J Tobacco. Mrs. Thompson stated she knew it was 100% for sure Chief Justice Vinson because of his long billowing dark robes, pasty white head, and the same signature 1950’s closeted racist hairstyle her daddy had.

            “I snuck over real quick, but kept a respectful distance. I just wanted to hear what the late Justice ordered.” Stated Mrs. Thompson who was visibly shaken by approaching a man without her late father’s or husband’s permission.

            According to Mrs. Thompson Justice Vinson tried to acquire some Virginia Slims and Redman Chew from the window clerk. The Big Sandy Lazer reached out to D&J Tobacco to confirm the late Justice’s selection of tobacco products.

            D&J Tobacco referred to their policy of not disclosing patron’s selections, on the chance their wives find out they have been lying again about “being serious about quitting this time.” Their spokesperson did add, “The old ghost wouldn’t shut up about making sure Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to death. Then he rambled on about making sure Brown v. Board of Education didn’t pass.”

            The D&J Tobacco clerk did mention they have had other ghost from the area visit their store. Sadly, video footage of the incident does not show the ghost, as ghost only show up on old film recordings and not these newer digital recordings. However, Mrs. Thompson does appear momentarily in the background creeping over from the Speedway, therefore we feel we are able to corroborate her story.


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