Blaine Elementary Announces Public Forum for Return to 1-Room School House

By: Brooke Meadows

Date: April 2022

Donnie Belcher, Lawrence County Schools Superintendent, and the Lawrence County Board of Education announce a public to get input on returning Blaine Elementary School to a 1-Room Schoolhouse. A Board spokesman said this idea had previously been discussed in great detail during a closed session meeting, but was abandoned at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The spokesman added this plan has regained traction in light of recent hiring difficulties.

The superintendent had this to say when asked about the proposal, “All these Boomers have chosen to take an early retirement and forced us into a tough situation where we don’t have enough teachers to staff a full school in Blaine. Combined with these newer teachers demanding things like ‘being paid a living wage’ we are in a tough spot in deciding the future of Blaine Elementary School.”

We reached out to a recently retired Blaine Elementary School teacher, Kayde Wilson, for comment on the proposal. “Because of these lazy millennials, who don’t want to work, returning to a 1-room school house may be for the best.” When asked why she chose to take early retirement at the age of 49, instead of working to 56 when she originally planned to retire, Mrs. Wilson responded, “I didn’t feel like working. It got too hard and I wasn’t getting paid enough for this crap.”

The Board encourages community members to attend the public forum. The date and time will be announced later.

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