ARC claims voter fraud in Lawrence County Elections

By: Mark Wayne, Lead Investigative Reporter

Date: November 10, 2022

Area Readdiciton Conglomerate (ARC) is claiming it was the victim of voter fraud in this past Tuesday’s County and City-wide election after several key candidates they backed were defeated in general election races. ARC Chief Executive Officer Rim Jobertson appeared incredulous and irate as he raised doubts about the results after Shatt Crown lost his race to be on Louisa City Council.

Shatt Crown, himself, stated he plans to sue the county to look at the voter rolls after Mrs. Marge Thompson claimed she saw the ghost of Fred M. Vinson voting. “We need to see how many dead people voted! Also, I need to get a look at the voter rolls to see who I need to fire for not voting for me.”

Mrs. Marge Thompson had this to say when asked for comment, “I saw the familiar lengthy, billowing, dark robe and signature 1950’s closeted-racist hairstyle of dear ole’ dead Fred M. Vinson coming out of a voting booth. He is dead and a Democrat, so there are two reasons why his vote shouldn’t count.”

Rim Jobertson held a press conference where he ranted, “Clearly this election was rigged by the CIA! I mean, isn’t it suspicious that Petunia Fester got the most votes? Everyone knows she worked for the CIA.”

Mrs. Fester, a local hygienist and newly elected member of City Council who ran as a candidate of the Flip & Flop Diamond Party, has long been suspected of being involved with the CIA as an enhanced interrogator. She is known throughout the town for her very bloody, thorough, and torturous teeth cleanings.

We reached out to the CIA for confirmation or denial of her employment with their agency, to which they replied, “Mrs. Fester was personally responsible for extracting the information which directly led to locating and eliminating Osama bin Laden. Those Al-Qaeda never screamed more, nor had cleaner molars, than when she was through with them. She was the top interrogator at the CIA during her tenure.”

The County Clerk’s office has publicly refuted all claims of fraud. However, they are launching an investigation into the most recent sighting of Fred M. Vinson’s ghost casting a vote, after the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas expressed interest in gaining this power for herself.

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