Friends of Noah Thompson Talk About the Real Noah Thompson

April 2022


How did you meet Noah?


Joe - Me and Noah met in school. We had math class together, I’m pretty sure.

Sasha - I saw him walking through Food City one time and we made eye contact for a brief second.

Jaimie - First time I met Noah, I knew he was going to be going places. He was singing at me through the TV and I felt like… “I know this guy”… because they said he was from Louisa. I’m from Louisa. So, I’m pretty sure I know him.


What’s something about Noah that no one else knows?


Joe - He definitely went to school with me. I’m like 90% sure we had class together. So that’s pretty cool.

Sasha - He likes to walk down the cereal aisle. I think that’s the aisle we were in.

Jaimie - He has been on television. Just like my uncle was, but that was for holding up the pharmacy at gunpoint to score some Percocets… my uncle that is, not Noah.


What’s your favorite memory of Noah?


Joe - I got called on in math class and I totally knew the answer. My parents were so proud of me that day.

Sasha - Whenever we passed in that aisle and locked eyes he said “Excuse me. Can I get passed you there?” Which was totally fair, I was blocking the aisle with my buggy. My bad.

Jaime - Me and my uncle were watching him on Television and I look over at my uncle and say “This kid is going places.” Next thing you know I’m yelling, “The power of Christ compels you!” while I’m shoving Narcan in my uncle because he got some tainted Fentanyl from his dealer. I’m glad Noah could be there for me in that moment… on the television.